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Rawat, B. S.

  • Variability in Cone and Seed Characteristics and Germination Behaviour in Various Provenances of Himalayan Cypress (Cupressus torulosa Don)

  • Poplar Tree Improvement Programme

  • Studies on Working Qualities of Indian Timbers-V

  • A Note on the Development of Multicoloured Laminated Decorative Wood Articles

  • Studies on Working Qualities of Indian Timbers

  • Physical and Mechanical Properties of Terminalia bellirica

  • Strength of Bamboos: Bambusa nutans

  • Strength Tests on Indian Canes-(i) Calamus tenuis

  • A Note on the Working Qualities of some Indian Timbers

  • A Study on Power Requirement in Thickness Planing

  • A Note on Time-motion Study in Saw Milling

  • Study of Landslide Hazard Zonation in Mandakini Valley, Rudraprayag District, Uttarakhand Using Remote Sensing and GIS